Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Celebrity Janitorial Services

Today was a good day.

Most of you know already that I had to go on a pick-up to the LA Coroner's today. Lindsay Lohan was there, sentenced to doing community service. Basically, she was performing janitorial duties until her hours are complete.

So, this is how the day progressed. From what I was told, she showed up to "work" in completely inappropriate attire. So, she was forced to change into a plastic jumpsuit, and put plastic covers over her shoes. That is how I saw her dressed when I arrived. As ugly as her attire, and all of that bad weave piled on top of her head...she still was rather stunning, and had a presence about her.

I was there for about half an hour. Within this time she managed to get into trouble with the officer that was "supervising" her twice, imagine how the rest of the day went. First, she was giving total attitude and talking back to which he stated "I can go straight to the judge and tell her about your behavior." And a few minutes later, he took her phone away from her because she was not doing her work. I thought it was pretty funny.

This is how my conversation with Lindsay Lohan went:

Me: Hey, how's it going?

Lindsay: How do you think? It stinks in here.

Me: Next time, ask if they can send you to the Ventura Coroner's, it's a lot nicer, and it doesn't smell.

(Insert officer laughing here)

Lindsay: *Scoff* followed by some under her breath muttering, and then the officer yelled at her once again.

So, there you have it. A glimpse into my day. I hope you enjoyed my brief interlude with Lindsay Lohan.